Es Imposible Tapar el Sol con un Dedo

“Es Impossible Tapar El Sol Con Un Dedo” / “ It is impossible to cover the sun with one finger” Water color collaged with Border Patrol Uniform fabric.

This print is inspired by old saying “Es impossible tapar el sol con un dedo” which I am using as a metaphor to show how somethings larger than life and visible to all can only be partially covered depending on the angle from which one wishes to cover a reality. One cannot cover light/life in its totality nor can we try to evade a problem with a quick solution. Blocking the light is an impossible feat that sooner or later will end because the sun is dynamic, and quick in its movement, and shows up when you least expect it behind clouds and mountains.

I relate this metaphor to our current global political climate revolving immigration. Steel walls cannot trump the cultural or spiritual growth of our people. There is not one “America”. We live in the Las Americas and no border will ever erase the memory of the land nor block the strength of the human spirit of the cultures who have lived here for thousands of years and with whom we all have a shared history and responsibility.

It is impossible to cover up the sun with one finger as the light and the life of this land is for all. Instead it is my hope that we can all aspire to be open to the light and together we can have the fortune to contemplate it and be open to new realities.

digital print on somerset paper with cloth 25.12 x 21.25 in